Which Indigenous Tree Should I Plant In My Garden?

Deciding which Indigenous tree to plant can be a daunting task. Before deciding here are some things to consider.

  1. How large is your garden?

  2. How much rainfall does your garden receive?

  3. What temperatures does your garden reach?

1. How Large is Your Garden?

For small gardens we would recommend the Pom Pom , False Olive and Tree Wisteria because they have a non-aggressive root system and they are medium sized trees that grow up to 8meters tall

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For large gardens and plots, we would recommend Outeniqua Yellowwood, Monkey Thorn and Fever Tree because they have extensive root systems and al create beautiful canopies which are also perfect for birds to build their nests in.

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2.How Much Rainfall Does Your Garden Receive?

If your garden is a marshy area or one that receives high rainfall, we would recommend River Bushwillow, Fever Tree and Tree Wisteria.

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For those gardens that don’t receive high rainfall , we recommend a drought resistant trees such as Paperbark, Wild Olive and Cross Berry.

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3.What temperatures does your garden reach?

In South Africa we experience temperatures ranging from scorching hot to freeing cold temperatures. At These Trees, our trees undergo harsh weather conditions to make them hardy and grow stronger. We recommend The Wit Karee , Sweet Thorn and Knob Thorn because the are relatively hardy and are relatively frost resistant

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